Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Facebook Events Export

This post has since been updated! Check out the new post!

Here's to my first blog post! I'm brand new to this so please forgive me...

I wanted to start a blog for those who aren't super techy but love those tech tips to help organize their daily lives! So for my first post I will share one of my recent favorite tips!

I don't know about you, but I'm a sorority girl, and we have tons of events! A lot of those events are made and posted on Facebook. Well I wanted to be able to view my event calendar without logging into Facebook each and every time. I became determined to be able to view the events on my iPhone and/or on my google calendar. So here are the steps I took:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to Events
  3. Click on the magnifying glass and then click "Export Events" 
  4. The "Export Events" popup will appear. Highlight the URL that appears in blue font and copy it.
  5. Email the link to yourself so you can have it for your records.
  6. Open the email on your mobile device and click on the link. 
  7. Follow the steps on your mobile device to subscribe to this calendar. Wah lah! You are now subscribed to your Facebook Events Calendar.
Want to add the calendar to your Gmail Calendar? That's simple too!
  1. Open your Gmail Calendar and find the Other Calendars section.
  2. Click on the drop-down box and choose "Add by URL"
  3. Paste the URL that you emailed yourself earlier into the popup and done! 

Well that's all for now. Please comment on what you would like to see next time and enjoy!

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  1. OMG SUCH a great idea for a blog!! LOVE.
    Q. you only need to do this once right?

  2. Thank you! Yes you only need to do this once and you're done! All of your upcoming events will update to your calendars!

  3. I would totally use this if I were on FB :D

  4. I'm doing this right now, Lyndsay! Thanks for the tip!
